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lunar orbit 繞月軌道。

lunar politics

It is because the plane of the lunar orbit does not coincide with the plane of the earth s orbit . so , for most full moons , the moon is either south or north of the orbital plane of the earth 原來月球的公轉軌道平面和地球的公轉平面并不一致,因此在滿月時,月球通常不是在地球軌道平面之南,就是在其北,難得會進入位于軌道平面的地影內,所以大部分滿月都不會出現月食。

After an elementary study with lunar orbiting satellite , it is necessary to make exploration devices land on the moon and carry out detailed exploration with lunar rover in a rather large area 在利用環月衛星對月球進行初步的探測之后,需要使探測器在月球表面軟著陸,并由月球車執行較大范圍的詳細探測任務,為載人登月和建立月球基地做好準備。

That would reveal much about the lunar orbit and that data could in turn be used to test some of the tantalizing ideas in einstein ' s theories 這就可以揭示許多關于月球軌道的奧秘。這些數據繼而又可以用來檢驗愛因斯坦理論中一些令人困擾捉摸不透的概念,